Mike Canterbury, a dam operator, was on the verge of releasing water into a Colorado dam’s spillway when he spotted movement below him. Upon closer inspection, he discovered two yearling mountain lions huddled together at the base of the spillway’s towering 50-foot concrete wall.
Realizing that releasing water would spell disaster for the trapped mountain lions, Canterbury took quick action and contacted Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) for assistance.
Upon arrival, the CPW team attempted to fashion a makeshift ramp with boards, hoping the mountain lions would use it to climb out. However, the felines showed no interest in the boards. Thinking on their feet, the rescuers improvised and found a piece of rope nearby, recalling cats’ fondness for playing with string.
District Wildlife Manager Ty Smith dangled the rope down, and one of the mountain lions immediately seized it with both paws, much like a kitten playing with string. John Livingston, CPW’s Southwest Region public information officer, noted that this behavior was instinctual for the young mountain lion.
Remarkably, the mountain lion clung to the rope as Smith carefully lifted it out of the spillway, ensuring the safety of the animal throughout the rescue.
The rescuers were astonished that they managed to free the mountain lion using just a rope. Once at the top of the spillway, the mountain lion swiftly fled into the woods, leaving the rescuers in awe of the successful and unconventional rescue.

For the second mountain lion, the rescue process was slightly more complex. Using the same rope as a distraction, the rescuers employed a combination of a catch pole and the rope to lift the animal up above the spillway.
After seeking refuge under the rescuers’ truck briefly to gather their bearings, the second mountain lion eventually joined its sibling in the safety of the woods.
Livingston elaborated that at their young age, the mountain lions would typically remain close to their mother. He anticipated that the young siblings and their mother would likely reunite with each other soon.