Wed. Mar 5th, 2025

No one picked them up from the playground.

A woman in Michigan was passing by a local park when she spotted two babies playing on the playground all alone. She knew they weren’t supposed to be there, so she immediately called for help.

β€œSadly, this is not a call that is uncommon to us,” Paige Pitz, an animal control officer with Saginaw County Animal Care and Control, said.

Pitz and another officer, Rodney Ludlum, headed out to the playground and found the puppies huddled up together on the play set. They were dirty, smelly and had bloated bellies. At first, they were too scared to go anywhere near their rescuers, but the officers soon won them over.

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β€œAs we came closer, they backed away, and we approached the steps on the side of the play set,” Pitz said. β€œWe tossed a few treats and β€˜baby talked’ to them. I sat on the edge of the top step, and the babies slowly came up to me, [and] after a few pets, they leaned in and wanted to play and get pet. They began to have wiggly butts and seek attention.”

Once the puppies trusted their rescuers, they were taken to the shelter, where they immediately received the care and treatment they needed. After that, they were given some cozy blankets to snuggle with and delicious food to eat, and they seemed to understand that their lives were finally going to be better.

Now, the puppies’ true personalities are finally emerging, and their rescuers can’t help but laugh at how different they are from each other.

β€œThese boys are pretty typical puppies; however, [they] have two different personalities,” Pitz said. β€œThe black and tan boy is a bit more shy and can be a bit of a doofus. The white and tan boy is quick and smart and can be a bit more outgoing and bossy! They get along super well and would likely do great with another dog to live with in their forever homes.”

The two puppies are coming into themselves, exploring and being rambunctious, as puppies do β€” but unfortunately, that could be why they were abandoned in the first place.

β€œMost of our dog population is aging from 3-month-old pups to 2-year-old dogs,” Pitz said. β€œThey’re all practically puppies that have been tossed aside. We do not have an animal problem in this county, we have a people problem.”

The puppies are currently on a stray hold and will be available for adoption after it’s done. Until then, they’re enjoying soaking up all of the attention they’ve never had before.

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