A beloved wildlife rescue center in Kent, Folly Wildlife Rescue, is teetering on the brink of closure. The center, which has been a lifeline for countless injured, orphaned, and distressed animals for over three decades, is facing a perfect storm of rising expenses and dwindling legacy payments.
Folly Wildlife Rescue in Kent is struggling. Rising costs and less legacy money are threatening its future.
The Center’s Plight:
Folly Wildlife Rescue has helped wild animals for over 30 years. But now, it’s facing financial problems.
Services to Be Restricted:
On September 30th, Folly Wildlife Rescue will limit its services. This is due to financial difficulties.
A Call for Urgent Action:
Folly Wildlife Rescue needs £250,000 to survive. It needs your help.
A Legacy Worth Preserving:
Folly Wildlife Rescue is vital to the community. It must stay open.
Folly Wildlife Rescue needs your support. Please donate to help it survive