“The unfortunate being was drenched, trembling, and gripped by a paralyzing fear.” 💔
During a recent drive through Columbia, Pennsylvania, a couple found themselves puzzled by a fluffy gray mass perched atop a barbed wire fence. Curiosity piqued, they pulled over for a closer inspection. Upon closer examination, the couple discerned that the fuzzy object was, in fact, a distressed possum entangled in the frayed metal wires.
“The unfortunate creature was drenched, trembling, and gripped by a paralyzing fear,” Raven Ridge Wildlife Center recounted in a Facebook post detailing the rescue.

In need of specialized assistance, the couple quickly reached out to Raven Ridge Wildlife Center for help. Before long, Tracie Young, an experienced animal rescuer, arrived at the scene. She found herself joined by a small group of workers from a nearby metal processing plant, all united in their concern for the distressed possum.
“They seemed unsure, not knowing how to help as the possum shivered in the chilly rain,” Young shared. “That’s when I asked, ‘Does anyone happen to have a ladder?'”
Having secured permission to scale the fence, Young ascended a ladder and, donned in welding gloves, delicately lifted the possum from its entanglement. Wrapping the trembling creature in a towel, she placed it safely within a crate.
Upon arrival at Raven Ridge Wildlife Center, the possum underwent a thorough examination. Staff members were relieved to discover that, despite a few minor scrapes, the possum had emerged from the ordeal largely unharmed. “We found a few scratches, but nothing too severe, aside from perhaps a bruised ego,” the rescue shared in their Facebook update.
After receiving care, the possum was eventually released back into the wild, liberated to resume its natural life. Young couldn’t contain her joy for the resilient creature. “It always warms my heart to see them return to their natural habitat,” she expressed.