Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

“At first, we didn’t see him … but then …” Dedicated animal rescuer Donna Lochmann knew to look out for a pile of trash when she was driving under St. Louis’ Highway 70 last week. Her team was responding to a tip from a concerned driver about someone fluffy living in the garbage mound, and with cars whizzing by, the poor baby was in immediate danger.

Lochmann slowed down when she reached the trash pile and scanned the items for signs of life. For the first few seconds, it seemed as though no one was there, and the rescuers worried their subject had fled.

“At first, we didn’t see him,” Stray Rescue of St. Louis (SRSL) wrote on Facebook, “but THEN …”

Suddenly, a black-and-white pit bull, lying among a stack of garbage bags and baskets, lifted his head to meet her gaze. The sweet boy was alone, accompanied only by the cars and trucks that passed him, but he was thankful to finally see a helper.

His tail wagged in anticipation as Lochmann crossed the street to greet him. She showered him with loving affirmations and offered an enticing treat to gain his trust. The dog, later named Gibson, inhaled his snack and immediately let Lochmann pet him.

After a few more treats, Lochmann slipped a leash over Gibson’s head and gently coaxed him out from the trash pile. The team then loaded Gibson into their car and shuttled him to the veterinary hospital, cuddling him the whole way there.

Gibson wasn’t sure where he was going just yet, but he felt immediately safe in his new friends’ care. And the team was more than thrilled to get him out of the dangerous highway underpass.

“We cannot leave these little ones out there to fend for themselves,” SRSL wrote. “They need our help!”

Gibson underwent a full medical evaluation at the veterinary clinic before enjoying a much-needed bath. The staff soon cleared him for foster care and began their search for Gibson’s perfect temporary family.

As much as he loved meeting all his new friends at SRSL — humans and dogs alike — Gibson couldn’t wait to land a foster home. Luckily, his dream came true just a few days after his rescue when the Scheftner family offered to take him in.

Michelle Scheftner and her family, including her three sons, were ecstatic to welcome Gibson into their home. The resilient boy quickly settled into their routine, and he’s been thriving in their care ever since.

“Gibson is doing amazing! He is just the sweetest boy!” Scheftner told us. “He plays so well with my kids and gives tons of kisses. We love having him!”

Gibson is soaking up all his time with the Scheftners while waiting for a forever home. His caregivers can’t wait to see him land a permanent family, but until then, they’re more than happy to give him all the love he needs and then some.

“He’s amazing,” Scheftner said. “He’s just a really sweet boy.”

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