Mon. Jan 20th, 2025

“I don’t know which of you went rogue and went off wishlist … but it’s perfect” ❤️

In 1956, researchers at the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge banded a Laysan albatross named Wisdom, estimating she was born around 1950. Now, at an incredible 74 years old, Wisdom holds the title of the oldest known wild bird on Earth—and she’s still making history.

Over her lifetime, Wisdom is believed to have laid as many as 60 eggs, defying all odds and inspiring conservationists worldwide. However, the last few years have brought challenges. Wisdom’s longtime mate mysteriously disappeared, and for four years, she did not lay an egg.

This year, things took a heartwarming turn. Returning to the Midway Atoll breeding grounds, Wisdom found a new partner. To the delight of researchers and conservationists, she laid an egg once again, proving her resilience and vitality.

“She did it again!” the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service celebrated in an announcement. If successful, Wisdom’s egg will soon bring new life to the atoll, reinforcing the importance of preserving these vital habitats.

The Midway Atoll, a sanctuary for thousands of seabirds, owes its thriving bird populations to initiatives like the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s Seabird Protection Project. Wisdom’s remarkable journey stands as a testament to the enduring power of conservation and nature’s resilience, offering hope for generations of seabirds to come.

As the world’s oldest wild bird prepares to hatch what could be the world’s youngest, Wisdom continues to inspire awe and admiration, proving age is no limit to life’s possibilities.

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