A malnourished barn owl, rescued by a member of the public, has been successfully rehabilitated and released back into the wild by animal care specialists.
The owl was taken to RSPCA Oak and Furrows in Wiltshire, where it was placed in intensive care for monitoring and kept in an incubator to help it warm up. After receiving nourishment, the owl quickly began to show signs of improvement, revealing a “feisty” spirit.

The rescue center encourages the public to report any concerns about animal welfare so that animals can receive the appropriate care and specialist treatment. The owl was found by a member of the public hiding in a hedgerow near a busy road. Upon arrival at the center, it appeared weak and extremely lethargic, likely due to a lack of food for several days.
After being warmed up and encouraged to eat, the owl started to feed on its own and gained strength. Once it had recovered and received the all-clear from the vets, it was released back into the wild on Wednesday.

The center also recently rescued a rare blonde hedgehog named Alberta, who had been struck by a strimmer and arrived soaked due to heavy rainfall. The small female hedgehog was covered in fleas and ticks and appeared underweight for the season. After seven weeks of rehabilitation, Alberta gained 300g and was deemed healthy enough for release. She was returned to the nearby woods on 16 January.

The center reminded the public to check long grass and foliage for wildlife, as strimmers and mowers can cause severe injuries. Joe Norman, the center’s manager, emphasized the importance of reporting wildlife casualties, as many species are experiencing population declines and require specialized care. He stressed that improper care at home could worsen an animal’s condition, making it crucial for experts to be involved in the rehabilitation process.