Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

On a scorching summer afternoon in Cincinnati, Ohio, a mother picking up her kids from a playdate noticed something troubling. On the next street over, usually deserted, she saw a lone figure in need of help.

Her heart sank when she discovered a full-grown bulldog tethered to a fire hydrant. โ€œHe had wrapped himself around the fire hydrant on a dead-end street with abandoned housesโ€ฆ with no one around to help him,โ€ Staci Lovy, founder of Badass Bulldogs Rescue (BBR), explained.

Although the woman couldnโ€™t take the dog in, she promptly reached out to Lovy, who was busy with yard work. Unable to initially connect with Lovy, she posted about the bulldog on BBRโ€™s Facebook group. Fortunately, a member of the group responded and picked up the dog later that day.

According to Lovy, the timely intervention saved the dogโ€™s life. โ€œIt was the day before a record-breaking heatwave,โ€ Lovy noted. โ€œHe certainly would have perished in those temperatures.โ€

When Lovy was finally informed about the bulldog, she immediately went to retrieve him from the rescuing couple’s house, an hour away. She was struck by his gentle nature from the moment they met. โ€œHe was incredibly sweet right from the start,โ€ Lovy said.

Once back at Lovy’s home, the bulldog, later named Charlie after the vet who treated him, began to show signs of distress. He was happy to be inside but struggled with frequent urination. An emergency vet visit revealed a urinary tract infection, dehydration, and other health issues.

Charlieโ€™s physical ailments were compounded by emotional trauma. โ€œHe was very high-strung and confused about being a dog,โ€ Lovy observed. It seemed he had been left alone outside for long periods with only a ball for company, leading to resource guarding behavior.

Charlie needed surgery and behavioral training, but Lovy was committed to helping him. โ€œWe walked him endlessly to calm his mind,โ€ Lovy recalled. โ€œHe learned to โ€˜drop itโ€™ and no longer guarded objects. He began to trust and even love other dogs. I was so proud of his progress.โ€

Within weeks, Charlieโ€™s health and demeanor improved significantly. Lovy discovered his favorite things, like playing in the rain and enjoying peanut butter cookies during car rides. โ€œCharlie was an amazing dog who had faced a rough life but was extraordinary and one of my favorites,โ€ Lovy said.

Though Lovy had grown attached to Charlie, she knew he would thrive in a loving home. When a couple who had recently lost their bulldog applied to adopt him, Lovy felt they would be a perfect match. Despite living seven hours away, they traveled the very next day to meet him.

โ€œThey rented a suite for Charlie, with his crate set up with new toys, balls, and his blanket. I brought his favorite cookies and bones,โ€ Lovy described. โ€œThey had lost their bulldog, Jax, two months prior, and they felt it was love at first sight.โ€

Indeed, it was love at first sight for Ryan and Samantha. They were immediately smitten with Charlie and eager to bring him home.

A little over a month later, Charlie has fully adjusted to his new home and is thriving. โ€œCharlie is such an awesome dog. As heโ€™s settled in, his playful and goofy side has really emerged,โ€ Samantha shared. โ€œHe charms everyone he meets with his wiggly tail and his adorable front teeth.โ€

While Charlie still has some quirks from his past, his new parents are dedicated to helping him overcome them with patience and love. โ€œHis favorite part of the day is curling up in his bed with his blankets,โ€ Samantha said. โ€œI like to think that in those peaceful moments, heโ€™s forgotten his tough past and feels completely at home with us.โ€

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