Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

“Anticipation fills the air as we await the diverse array of creatures that may grace our program.” These words echo the sentiment at Middleton Public Library in Wisconsin, where a heartwarming initiative has taken flight. Several times each month, the library receives returned books marred by the enthusiastic chewing of family pets, particularly dogs. In the past, the library levied fees for these lost or damaged books, but a novel idea emerged from the staff’s collective creativity.

Inspired by a similar endeavor at the Worcester, MA, Public Library, Middleton’s librarians decided to inaugurate a special program tailored for these book-chomping culprits. “We were heavily inspired by the Worcester, MA, Public Library, who recently offered the opportunity to waive fines by showing staff a picture of a cat,” explained Rebecca Light, the support services librarian at Middleton Public Library.

While Middleton’s library has already abolished late fees for overdue materials, charges still apply for lost or damaged items. However, when the conversation shifted to the frequency of materials damaged by their furry patrons, the idea to adapt the fine forgiveness program took shape. Instead of charging fees for books damaged by dogs, the library would embrace these mishaps by requesting a photo of the adorable offenders in question.

The concept took flight as the library began posting photos of each book-chewing perpetrator on their social media platforms. The response was immediate and overwhelming. “The reaction has been wild,” Light remarked, noting the viral success of posts featuring dogs like Quik.

Although dogs have been the primary focus thus far, the library is open to submissions featuring furry friends of all shapes and sizes. “So far we’ve featured four dog chompers, but I look forward to the diversity of animals we may see,” Light added.

Sky, Ward, Quik, and Daisy, the unwitting protagonists of this tale, never sought fame when they indulged in their literary snacking habits. Yet, through their antics, they have become beloved figures, spreading joy and laughter throughout their community. Thanks to this innovative program, the bond between pets and their humans is celebrated, turning mishaps into heartwarming moments cherished by all.

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