Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

The other day, Jon, a high school teacher, was taking a leisurely stroll when he noticed an unusual brown shape hanging from a reed. Intrigued, Jon approached for a closer look and was startled to find a long-eared owl entangled in a web of fishing line.

Instantly, Jon’s mind raced with questions and concerns. “My immediate thought was, ‘What do I do? How do I do it? How much time do we have?'” Jon recounted in a YouTube video shared by the Toronto Wildlife Centre (TWC).

Without hesitation, Jon reached out to TWC for assistance. Responding swiftly, a rescuer arrived and skillfully secured the distressed bird, noting a possible wing injury.

Determined to prevent similar incidents, Jon diligently collected all the discarded fishing line in the vicinity.

Once under the care of TWC, the owl received vital veterinary attention. As depicted in the video, the bird is currently undergoing rehabilitation in an outdoor aviary, where she will remain until fully recovered and ready for release.

Inspired by this experience, Jon intends to use the rescue story to educate his students about environmental stewardship. “I’ve utilized this experience and narrative to engage my students,” Jon shared with TWC. “It’s a compelling example of why we must be mindful of our consumption and disposal habits to protect our natural world.”

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