“It became a routine for him …”
Meet Brinkley — an energetic golden retriever who loves making new friends.

Brinkley’s family recently moved to a new area, and being far from his old friends, he often found himself looking out the window, perhaps in search of a canine friend. One day, while in his yard, Brinkley spotted a furry little face on the other side of the fence. It was Cedar, a young puppy just adopted by the neighbors next door. Eagerly, Brinkley sniffed and pawed at Cedar through the fence slats, hoping for a chance to play.

At only 9 weeks old, Cedar was still too small to play with a full-grown dog. Brinkley would need to wait around two months for Cedar to grow a bit more. To help Brinkley keep track of the days, his family came up with a fun idea. “We got a special calendar for Brinkley to mark the date he could finally play with Cedar,” his mom shared in a video for The Dodo. “It became part of his routine — he’d start at the top of the stairs, run down, and we’d go straight to the calendar, marking off a day before his breakfast or heading outside.”

At last, the big day arrived! Cedar bounded into Brinkley’s yard, and the two joyfully romped around the grass together.

“As soon as Cedar came over, they went wild!” Brinkley’s mom said. Now, Brinkley no longer feels lonely — he knows he has a lifelong friend just next door.
“It makes me so happy to see him with a best buddy so close!” said his mom. “Brinkley and Cedar’s future together is so bright!”