Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

In East Belfast, a dog is spreading joy among bin workers every Friday as she eagerly awaits their arrival for the weekly collection. Maddie, a one-year-old golden retriever, has captured hearts online with videos of her enthusiastic greetings.

Each week, as the workers arrive to collect the bins, Maddie greets them with such excitement that her whole body wiggles with joy. One of these heartwarming videos has gone viral, amassing over 10 million views on Instagram, with comments pouring in from as far afield as Brazil and South Korea.

Unlike many dogs who shy away from people in uniforms or high-vis jackets, Maddie adores them. “It’s not just her tail that wags—her entire backside joins in,” said Katelin Fiddis, whose family owns Maddie. “She’s the kind of dog who thrives on attention and loves to greet everyone she meets.”

Every Friday, as soon as Maddie hears the distant rumble of the bin lorry approaching, she dashes to the door of her East Belfast home, brimming with excitement. She eagerly positions herself at the edge of the raised garden, right by where the bins are set out for collection.

The elevated garden means that Belfast City Council bin workers don’t need to bend down to pet her. Marc Doran, one of the bin workers, noted, “We have a few friendly dogs on our route, but none as affectionate as Maddie. She’s truly one of a kind.”

Marc’s colleague, Nathan Wilson, was quick to share with him the story of Maddie’s warm greetings when he joined the round last year. Spending a few moments with her had become an anticipated part of their job. As he petted Maddie during his Friday morning rounds, Nathan remarked, “There’s nothing quite like this. We really look forward to it.”

He added, “Every dog has its own personality, but Maddie is exceptional. I’d happily stay here until five o’clock if it meant spending more time with her. She seems to love everyone, but I think she has a special fondness for us.”

The Fiddis family—Ian, Ruth, their daughter Katelin, and son Josh—are all smitten with their lovable golden retriever, Maddie. Josh was especially amazed by the global wave of affection Maddie received on social media after he launched her Instagram account.

“I started the Instagram account as a bit of a joke, just to share with friends,” Josh said. “But when Katelin took over, the videos of Maddie with the bin workers went viral.”

Katelin noted that the viral success began as soon as footage of Maddie’s interactions with the bin workers was posted. “We used to get maybe 15 likes and a comment here and there,” she recalled. “Now, videos are reaching ten million views, and Maddie has 20,000 followers.”

She continued, “It’s incredible. Every time a bin man appears, it’s like ‘wow, ten million views.’ They’re busy with their rounds, but they take a moment to greet Maddie, which clearly makes her day. She’s always got a smile on her face and a wagging tail.”

Katelin shared that many comments reflect how Maddie’s videos have positively impacted viewers. “People tell us that after a tough week, seeing Maddie has completely lifted their spirits and made them feel so much better.”

Despite her viral fame, Maddie isn’t without her quirks. “She’s a bit of a rascal,” Katelin admitted with a chuckle. “She still tends to pull on the lead when we’re walking. She’s not the perfect dog, but her heart is absolutely in the right place. It’s heartwarming to see how she’s become a sort of therapy dog for the entire neighborhood.”

As Maddie approaches her second birthday in September, every Friday morning feels like a celebration for her. The sound of the bin lorry arriving is a joyous event that makes her day.

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