Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

They were so surprised!

Adam Lind and his partner have been living aboard their houseboat for four years, with each day offering a new adventure. Recently, they took a four-day trip, only to return and find unexpected guests on their roof.

A mother duck had discovered their rooftop garden and deemed it the ideal spot for laying her eggs. ‘While we were away, a thoughtful neighbor who had been watering our rooftop garden noticed the eggs nestled among our vegetables, right by the carrots,’ Lind explained. ‘He waited until the mother duck was away from her nest to tend to the plants.’

Though they had planned to set sail to a new location upon their return, the couple decided to remain anchored until the ducklings were ready to hatch.

“We researched how to make her feel at ease,” Lind said. “We spent time nearby, speaking softly and maintaining a calm presence. She was clearly attentive to our every move, so we did everything possible to avoid startling her.”

The couple hadn’t anticipated hosting a duck family, but their love for their houseboat made it easy to understand why local wildlife might be drawn to it.

Although they hoped to witness the ducklings hatching, fate had different plans. “We took another brief trip for two nights, and when we returned, the eggs had vanished,” Lind noted. “Despite that, we remain deeply appreciative of the experience. It was a wonderful reminder of our connection to nature.”

While the couple did not get to see the ducklings’ arrival, they have seen other duck families in the area and suspect that the eggs may have hatched while they were away. They are content knowing they played a small part in providing a peaceful resting place for the mother duck and her future offspring.

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