Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

“It made me very curious …”

Recently, Elba Mayorga was strolling close to her residence in Chile when something unusual caught her attention in a store’s display window.

Amidst the standard mannequins showcasing children’s attire, there stood an incredibly realistic dog statue.

“I was in a big rush, as usual, and noticed him in my peripheral vision,” Mayorga shared with The Dodo. “It piqued my curiosity because he remained completely still.”

In her hurry, Mayorga nearly walked past without discovering the truth about the furry “figurine” — it was no figurine at all.

“When I stepped closer to get a better look, he stuck his tongue out at me,” Mayorga recounted. “It was absolutely adorable!” It was a particularly cold day, as it was winter in South America, so Mayorga suspected that the dog — likely a stray — had entered the shop seeking warmth.

Sure enough, he had managed to blend in perfectly.

Although the encounter with the charming dog caused further delay, Mayorga had no regrets.

“Honestly, the time I spent with him was totally worth it,” she said. “It filled my day with joy and happiness.”

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