Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Meet Bean: The Cat with a Dual Personality

Ever since he was a kitten, Bean has shown a unique and dynamic personality. “He can either be really calm and chilled or a complete lunatic,” said Maisie Bray, Bean’s mom. “There’s not really any in between!” Despite being an indoor cat, Bean’s love for adventure started early when Bray used to take him on walks with a leash. These outings helped him build confidence and ignited his passion for exploring the world.

From Indoor Cat to Master Explorer

When Bray moved in with her parents in a neighborhood near the countryside, she tried to keep Bean indoors. However, her parents’ outdoor-loving cats made it difficult to contain Bean’s wanderlust. Time and time again, he found ways to escape, setting off on his own adventures. “He liked to follow people, which is how he ended up so far away,” Bray shared, “and [he’ll] jump into any open window.”

Bean’s Many Adventures

Over the years, Bean’s explorations have taken him to many unexpected places. Bray has had to pick him up from numerous spots—parks, schools, shops, even two different pubs. One of his more memorable journeys ended 52 miles away in Exeter, but luckily, Bean found his way back home via taxi.

Whenever Bray came to retrieve him, Bean didn’t seem too pleased with the interruption. “He’s very indifferent when I pick him up,” Bray said. “Sometimes he will just jump into my car, and other times he will growl and bite me — which is just embarrassing.” Thankfully, Bean now comes home on his own, though his adventurous spirit hasn’t waned.

A Beloved Feline in the Community

As Bean has matured, he’s calmed down somewhat but still enjoys local escapades. He frequently visits a nearby school and several local families, which Bray doesn’t mind as long as she knows where he is. “He’s a very well-loved cat, not just by his family, but by lots of people in the community,” she said.

Bean’s journey from a leash-walking kitten to a free-spirited explorer has made him a neighborhood favorite, with many ready to welcome him on his adventures — wherever they may lead next.

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