Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

The festive season brought joy and freedom to Animals Asiaโ€™s Vietnam sanctuaries, where over 200 rescued bears celebrated the yearโ€™s end with a heartwarming and jubilant party.

With curious snouts and playful paws, the moon and sun bears made the occasion unforgettableโ€”tearing open gifts filled with oatmeal treats and eagerly foraging for goodies. One unwrapped present led to a comical bear-sized tug-of-war, while straw ornaments quickly turned into makeshift wrestling cushions in a flurry of bear-y creative chaos. Popcorn garlands and fruity popsicles topped the festive menu, earning an enthusiastic two paws up from the delighted bears.

For some, like the serene Bear Calissa and Crescent, the festivities were best enjoyed quietly. They opted to savor their treats while calmly observing the lively antics from a cozy spot. It was a truly merry Christmas for all!

This celebration symbolized a new beginning for these magnificent animals. After years of unimaginable hardship confined to tiny, rusting cages in the bear bile industry, these bears are finally free to live with dignity and joy.

At Animals Asiaโ€™s sanctuaries, they receive the compassion and care theyโ€™ve always deserved, thriving in an environment designed to nurture their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

To date, Animals Asia has rescued nearly 700 bears and stands on the brink of a historic milestoneโ€”ending bear bile farming in Vietnam. This monumental achievement has been made possible through collaboration with the Vietnamese government, local communities, traditional medicine practitioners, schools, and civic organizations.

Across Animals Asiaโ€™s three award-winning sanctuaries, every rescued bear now enjoys a life filled with play, exploration, and natural behaviors. Their journey from suffering to freedom is a testament to the power of collective kindness and dedication.

This Christmas, seeing the bears embrace their newfound lives was a powerful reminder of what can be achieved when compassion leads the way.

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