Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

While exploring the Tonga Trench in the Southwestern Pacific Ocean, researchers captured extremely rare footage of a Magnapinna squid with arms several times the length of its body.

Rare Footage of the Elusive Bigfin Squid Captured

Cameras positioned at the bottom of the Tonga Trench in the South Pacific have recently recorded remarkable footage of a bigfin squid, showcasing its strikingly long, spindly arms. This new video provides a rare glimpse into the life of this elusive cephalopod, known for its deep-sea dwelling habits.

A Mysterious Deep-Sea Dweller

Bigfin squid (Magnapinna) are among the most elusive members of the cephalopod family, which also includes octopuses and cuttlefish. With only about a dozen recorded sightings, these squids are the deepest-dwelling squid species known to science, thriving at depths exceeding 20,000 feet (6,100 meters), according to the Ocean Conservancy.

The recently captured footage comes from an astonishing depth of 10,800 feet (3,300 meters) beneath the ocean surface. Researchers stumbled upon the squid during an exploratory mission in the trench, calling it a fortunate encounter.

Alan Jamieson, a professor and deep-sea scientist at the University of Western Australia, commented, β€œWe always hope to see this type of animal. [Bigfin squid] are not something you would actively go looking for; they are a species that relies on us coming across them by accident.”

Insights from the Footage

Most previous sightings of bigfin squid have occurred serendipitously during oil and gas exploration activities. In the new video, the squid appears to be either feeding or attempting to feed, moving slowly along the seafloor before suddenly pausing and pulsing its large fins. Jamieson noted that while it may seem like the squid is tugging on something off camera, it’s likely just trying to detach its sticky arms from the ocean floor.

The researchers estimate that the squid’s body measures between 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 centimeters) long, but its arms extend several times that length, creating an “extremely disproportionate” appearance. Scientists believe bigfin squids can reach lengths of up to 26 feet (8 meters) when including their long arms.

The Mystery of Long Arms

The evolutionary purpose of the bigfin squid’s exceptionally long arms remains a puzzle. Jamieson suggests that it may relate to their feeding habits, as these squids are the only known species residing at hadal depthsβ€”between 19,700 and 36,000 feet (6,000 to 11,000 meters)β€”where food is scarce and primarily consists of particles that drift down from higher waters.

To unravel the mysteries surrounding these fascinating creatures, scientists must continue to document their surroundings and behaviors. β€œThe trick is to keep filming everything else that’s going on and, eventually, if you are lucky, one will grace you with its presence,” Jamieson concluded.

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