Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

“Nobody at Bonorong expected them to form such a tight bond …”

Friendships flourish abundantly at Australia’s Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary (BWS), where echidnas mingle with kangaroos, and rescued residents often form tight-knit groups. However, within the sanctuary’s flight aviary, one duo has recently emerged with a bond that surpasses the ordinary, surprising everyone in its depth and uniqueness.

Last year, when George, a red-tailed black cockatoo, arrived at BWS, he carried with him the weight of a painful goodbye. His mainland Australian family, unable to provide the care he needed, reluctantly sought assistance from BWS, leaving George heartbroken and adrift.

Nestled in the heart of Tasmania, Australia, BWS graciously opened its doors to George. Anticipating he would find kinship among birds of similar stature, the sanctuary was taken aback when George found an unexpected companion in Raphael, a tiny musk lorikeet.

“Meet Bonorong’s most surprising duo!” exclaimed BWS on Facebook. “[N]ever did we expect them to form such a tight bond when they first moved in together, but they have exceeded all expectations!”

Raphael, a small green-and-yellow lorikeet, had long been a cherished resident of BWS, arriving in April 2020 after sustaining an injury. Despite the hindrance of an old wing injury, Raphael found solace and joy within the cozy sanctuary’s embrace.

“Though Raphael’s wings may bear the scars of his past, here at BWS, he finds a sanctuary of safety and happiness,” shared BWS on Facebook.

Raphael was among the first to welcome George into their shared habitat, and despite their contrasting sizes, an instant connection bloomed between them. While Raphael still bore the weight of recent loss, George found solace and reassurance in the comforting presence of his newfound companion.

In no time, George and Raphael became inseparable, embarking on every adventure within the flight aviary side by side. Their escapades occasionally led to mischief, such as the time George playfully nudged Raphael into the water bowl, earning him the title of BWS’s “naughty” resident of the week.

“George, the red-tailed black cockatoo, has been nominated for his mischievous act of pushing his musk lorikeet friend, Raphael, into the water bowl!” chuckled BWS on Facebook.

Nearly a year has passed since George and Raphael’s fateful encounter, yet their bond remains unshakable. Once a bird burdened by sorrow, George now thrives in his newfound family and sanctuary.

“Cockatoos, with their long lifespans, demand dedicated care and attention to ensure their well-being,” reflected BWS. “We are honored to provide George with the love and care he deserves for the remainder of his days.”

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