A new baby sloth has been born at Jersey Zoo.
Durrell said the Linne’s two-toed sloth was born on Wednesday 15 January and that its sloth house would remain closed for mum Terry and her baby to bond.
The birth was “an important milestone” for the zoo and its pan-European breeding programme, which paired sloths Terry and Rio together in hopes they would breed, it added.
Unfortunately, the father, 23-year-old Rio, passed away nine days later, Durrell said.
The zoo said Rio’s health had begun to decline in recent months and a “difficult decision” to euthanise him was made after a dental condition worsened.

Ben Matthews, curator of mammals, said the team had done an “admirable job caring for Rio during his final years”.
He said: “If we reflect on the part the animals in our care play in the wider picture of conservation, we can take solace in the fact that Rio’s important genes have been passed on with the arrival of his offspring.”
Durrell said the arrival of the baby sloth highlighted its “critical role” in conserving the species for the future.
It said it would announce when the zoo was ready to reopen the sloth house to visitors.